Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ms. Moore's Social Studies Class Update

We are still learning about culture and we are continuing to have excellent discussions on culture around the world. We have been reading all the comments and questions, and we are planning on answering them soon.

Currently, we are writing paragraphs about culture in Plano. Soon, we will post information about the food, entertainment, sports, languages, and schools that one would find while visiting in Plano.

Our question to all of you: What is the culture like where you live?


Anonymous said...

There is alot of crime but only in scranton , about 6 hours in school a day,what i do for fun is play sports such as.................. football,basketball,and baseball.but anyways i like to eat tacos cause my name is rocco.. rocco taco it rymes white piazza and thats all i like will i speak english and italy.i have a wii,gamecube,ps2,ps3 and nintendo 64..

kayla P said...

ruggrat1@Hey im from newark and my town is full of feilds! My name is Kayla p and I go to the same stores and every thing else that you have. the only sores like you have are BP and main street pizza we are really empty here.Can you tell me what is happening to your town because your town is pretty big and I would like to know

{p.s. we only have a few houses and lots of farms},

Kayla p