Friday, November 16, 2007

Our Answers to Some Comments

Comment Question 1: This is a great topic! I wonder how much culture shapes you, or do you make culture. Which one happens more?

Our Answers:
Today, our class had a quick discussion about how culture shapes us. We took a poll on how our class views the following question: Are you born into culture, or can you create culture as an individual? The results were: 17 felt that we are born into culture and 4 felt that we can create/change culture.

We are very excited to see new comments on our blog each day, and we have had some great discussions already! Please keep the comments and questions coming!

We are currently working on posting more information on the culture of our school and Plano, Illinois.


Mr. Janssen said...

I think that we can create our own culture. Just look at our classrooms. Each teacher in the 6th grade is able to create their own culture within their own classroom through out the year.

Anonymous said...

my name is alyson.
no there is rarley any crime in our area.
our school our is from 8:20 to 2:25
i just hang around w/ my friends all day long.
i don't play sports anymore.
normale food.
i speak english.
i have a wii,computer,and a playstaion 3.
a mall,walmart,hollister,abercrombie,target,american eagle.
hot,warm,cold,whatever the weath feels like.
we learning about greek.