Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Class Definition of Culture

Definition of Culture:

A group of people with similar customs relating to people's religion, language, clothes, technology, foods, sports, markets, housing, entertainment and the many other cultural traits.

We know this is a working definition for our class to investigate. We came up with this definition after a 5 minute class discussion. Please let us know what you think we should add, edit, change, etc.

Is anyone interested in learning more about the cultural traits of people living in Plano, IL.

All comments are greatly appreciated... :) Please tell us where you are in the world as well...


Paul Allison said...

This is a great topic! I wonder how much culture shapes you, or do you make culture. Which one happens more?

Durff said...

I wonder how many traits people need to hold in common in order for it to be a cultural trait?

Anonymous said...

I think your blog is awesome! You all came up with a great definition for culture. I was wondering, can some aspects of culture be blurred by current trends? I was especially thinking about clothing, language, and location.

popnowlin said...

This is an excellent topic to explore at the sixth grade level. Sixth grade is about the age when kids start to experiment with who they want to be and how they want to fit in their culture. Part of fitting in can be trying to change the culture to fit your personality. Some choose to do that by rebelling, while others choose to work from within for change. Others are happy with the culture that exists and simply try to fit in.

I have a couple of questions. First, how many different cultures exist in Plano Illinois based on your definition?

Second, do you think that kids have their own sub-cultures within the larger cultures in society?

Stahl said...

Hi All!
This is a great project for you! I hope you are enjoying it. Do you think culture changes over time? If so, in what ways? Has your culture changed from past generations?

Anonymous said...

yoooo my name is Yogiand I love the Steelers!!!!White Pizza is pizza that only has cheese.Our football team is in the State semi-finals 4 district 2 AA We could win a state title 4 the first time since 1989